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Checkbook for Excel Help



Troubleshooting and Technical Support

Checkbook for Excel has been thoroughly tested with Excel 2010 through Excel 2019 and Office 365 and found to run error free. However, due to the complexity of the program, you may run across an unforeseen error. If you have a question or problem, check the context sensitive help system or our online help to see if you can find an answer. If a VBA run-time error occurs, you may lose the functionality of several of the buttons on the Checkbook Tab. To restore the program to its full functionality, simply close the Checkbook for Excel file and reopen it.

If you have any problems or need additional assistance, visit our web site at and check the Checkbook for Excel support page to see if your problem is addressed.

If you do not find an answer in the help file or on our web site, contact us at Be sure to provide a complete description of the problem, including the exact wording of any error message, what you were doing when the error occurred, the version of Microsoft Excel that you are using and the version of Windows you are running. If you contact us by e-mail, it is a good idea to attach your Checkbook for Excel file to the e-mail. That will allow us to observe and troubleshoot the problem directly on the file you were using. We will then repair the file if necessary and send it back within 24 hours with a complete explanation. Any information sent to us will remain strictly confidential and will be deleted from our computers once we are done solving the problem.

Be sure to visit our web site at to check out the most recent versions of all our software for Microsoft Excel. You can also contact us from our web site if your browser has e-mail support.

Checkbook for Excel Online Help

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