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Handicap Manager Help




Handicap Manager for Excel is powerful yet easy to use and provides all the tools necessary to manage handicaps for your golf club, golf league or yourself and a few friends. The software lets you track golfers' scores and handicaps. There is also an option to track other statistics such as birdies, putts, match points, bets, etc., or any user-defined statistic. You can also track teams, team scores and matches, and set up tournaments.

Handicap Manager for Excel functions more like stand alone software instead of a traditional spreadsheet. The worksheets are all password protected by design to prevent accidental changes that may keep the program from functioning properly. However, there is no need to unprotect any of the sheets as you can add, edit or delete any of the data in the program using one of the functions provided on the Main Menu worksheet or those provided on the individual sheets. This ensures that the data being entered is validated to eliminate errors.

In most cases all the data entry occurs in custom designed forms except when entering Golf Course Information or editing scores or deleting scores, which is done directly in the appropriate worksheets, and is explained in detail later in this help file. Golfers and scores should never be added to empty rows in any of the worksheets. Always use the function buttons on the Main Menu worksheet or on one of the other sheets. To view one of the worksheets, just click on the desired worksheet tab near the bottom of the screen. The links below provide detailed instructions for all the program functions.

The program has a number of other features that makes entering data quick and easy. The software comes with this detailed help file that explains all the program features and functions. You can display context sensitive help from any of the data input forms by clicking the help button in the upper right hand corner of the form and then clicking anywhere on the form.

Information that is entered into the program is stored in one of six main worksheets:  Golf Courses, Golfers, Scores, Teams, Team Scores and Uncombined Nines. In addition, there are a number of report sheets that allow you to prepare reports from the data stored in the six main worksheets.

Handicap Manager for Excel also provides a Member Mode that can be used to limit the functionality of the program so your league or club members can enter scores into the program from a common computer without having access to other program functions.

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