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Golf Tracker for Excel Lite Help



Viewing Scorecards

When you save your round after entering all the data for your shots on each hole, the Scorecard worksheet will be displayed with all the information for your round. If you would like to see a scorecard from a previous round that you played, you can use the Manage Rounds button available on the Main Menu and Scorecard sheets. You can use the Export button on the Scorecards sheet to export the scorecard to a separate file where you can save it for future reference.

The Scorecard worksheet is more than just your typical scorecard. It shows every shot you played on each hole as well as a summary of statistics from your round. Also, you can view your any positive comments you entered for your shots by hovering your mouse over your score for that hole. This will display a cell note with your comments. This allows you to review any round you played by using the Manage Rounds function to view the scorecard.