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Golf Tracker for Excel Lite Help




The first task you need to complete is entering golfer information. You must have at least one golfer listed in the program before you can enter any rounds. Click the Golfer Information button to display the Golfer Information form shown below. Click the New Golfer button and type a name in the Golfer Name box. You can also enter address information if you like but only the golfer's name is required. Entering Team, Age and Gender will allow you to prepare reports comparing different teams, age groups, men vs. women, etc. Click OK when you're finished.

Golfers Form

The form also has a Delete button for removing golfers from the program. However, you cannot delete a golfer who already has rounds entered into the program. You must first delete the all the rounds for that golfer using the Manage Rounds function. If you need to change golfer information, select the appropriate golfer from the Golfer Name list box, make the desired changes, then click OK.

Entering Golf Course Information

Entering Rounds