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Golf Tracker for Excel Help



Golf Courses

To enter golf course information into the program, click the New Golf Course button on the Main Menu sheet. (The Edit Golf Course button lets you edit information for courses you've already entered.) Unlike many of the other functions in the program, you enter the information directly into the Golf Course worksheet instead of a popup form. Just type in the values into the green shaded cells, starting with the name of the course. An entry for their website is optional.

A name for the tee markers, and values for the course rating and slope rating are required. If you don't know the course rating, just use the course par and if you don't know the slope rating, use 113, which is the slope rating for a course of average difficulty. Just proceed through the worksheet entering the yardage, par and hole handicap rating for each hole on the course. All three of these fields are required for each hole.

Once you've entered all the information, click the Save button to save the information for the golf course. It will be used later when you enter a new round or view a scorecard for a round you've already played. The program will check the data that you entered to make sure that nothing is missing and the values all make sense.

Entering Rounds

Managing Rounds